Why Do Airsoft Fields Let Cheaters Cheat? | Airsoftology Q&A Show
In this Monday Q&A show Jonathan’s fighting off a cold, but still soldiers through with answers to your questions on:
What gun would you bring into airsoft?
You look the Governor from The Walking Dead?!?
My field is not harsh enough on cheaters, why is that?
Is wearing JROTC or CAP rank in airsoft OK?
Code Red Headsets Video of the Week – Best Airsoft Sniper Kill Compilation | Cleanshot
Thanks to Palco Sports and Code Red Headsets for helping keep Airsoftology Mondays free!
I am on our local zoning board. An applicant recently applied for approval to open a new field. Neighboring property owners protested.
My question is this Is there an industry accepted, or industry recommendation for perimeter fencing. This would be a specification for a fence that would be high enough, strong enough, whatever, to insure the safety of a neighbor who is aimlessly mowing his grass.
Even tough the proposed field is 5 acres, play could be close to the perimeter, thus exposing neighbors to stray BBs.
We think that we need to have some type of requirement before we allow the field to proceed.
Thanks for any input.
Donald Smith
Corydon, IN
Industry accepted netting for airsoft is the Paintball Netting. It is used in many fields across the US (And the world, including Japan) and have been very successful in preventing stray BBs due to its height.